Glossary of Terms in Juvenile Cases
Adjudication Hearing: A juvenile criminal proceeding where a Judge determines if the accused offender is delinquent (in violation of the law).
Consent Decree: A judicial decision whereby a juvenile offender’s charges are held open for four to twelve months to allow the offender time to correct his behavior and begin making positive changes for his life.
Delinquency: The state of being in violation of the law.
Disposition Hearing: A juvenile criminal proceeding where a Judge determines the punishment for the offending youth.
Informal Adjustment: A judicial decision to hold a juvenile offender’s case open for three to six months while he/she is supervised and/or receives necessary services.
Intake Conference: The initial proceeding in a juvenile crime case to determine whether or not the offender should be referred to Court.
Juvenile: A person under 18 years of age.
Subpoena: A written order by a judicial officer requiring a named individual to appear in a designated court at a specific time and place to serve as a witness in a case.