Since 1981, A Safe Place (formerly the Women’s Center of Warren and Forest Counties) has been dedicated to providing quality, confidential support services and advocacy to victims of domestic and sexual violence throughout Warren and Forest Counties, 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
There are SO Many Ways That YOU Can Make A Difference!
Educate Yourself….
Are You in a Controlling Relationship?
If these statements are true about your relationship, you might be in a controlling relationship.
Sexual Assault True or False
Is it or isn’t it? Test your knowledge and see how much you acutally know (or don’t know) about sexual assaults.
Teen Dating Abuse
Designed specifically for teens. If these statements are true about your relationship, it could be an abusive relationship. We can help.

All of the services and programs through A Safe Place are provided …FREE OF CHARGE.